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What Is Medical Payment Data?

Many people are confused when they get a copy of their credit report and see a collection for "Medical Payment Data". This is seen when someone obtains their credit report with a third party involved, such as applying for a mortgage or at the car dealership. This would not be shown if you were...

Medical Billing Updates, News Portal

Medical Billing
Medical Billers and Medical Coders are health-care trained experts who are documents informations like patient demographics, patient visits, their medical charts and everything about treatments which is coded in from of ICD codes for the reference for patient and provider,insurance payers, In Medical Billing and Medical Coding Career are in now a days become...

Improve Patient Collections and Stay Compliant with Payor Requirements

Patient Collections Are Vital to Increasing Revenue and Ensuring That Your Billing Service is Adhering to Best Practices By Michelle Cavanaugh, CPC, RN Collecting from patients has become increasingly vital to the financial health of most practices, as the patient portion of medical bills continues to rise. With sky-rocketing copays and deductibles, the patient due amount...

Services Administrator Seema Verma on signing of Executive Order

Statement from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma on signing of Executive Order  “Today’s announcement represents an important step in providing Americans with more affordable health insurance coverage options by offering relief from Obamacare’s oppressive mandates and regulations that are driving up costs and driving down the quality of their healthcare. This Executive...

When You Need A Medical Negligence Solicitor

Medical negligence is an area of law which falls under the umbrella of personal injury, a legal term to describe an injury to your person or body, in any form. The majority of personal injury claims involve accidents of some sort, either in work or on the road, at home or on holiday where...

Safe Data Disposal

By Noah Dermer, InstaMed Security Officer from the May/June 2017 issue of HBMA Billing Improper Data Disposal Can Open You Up to HIPAA Violations. Stay in Compliance With These Spring Cleaning Tips. This time of year always marks the start of spring cleaning in my household. I love spring cleaning for many reasons. Not only does it...

Medical Transcription Productivity

As medical transcriptionists, we must always be aware of the quality of our work. That is, or at least should be, the number one priority at all times. However, we also all want to make as much money as we can in order to meet our obligations. How do we do this efficiently? We all...

How to Ensure a Vibrant Future in the Medical Billing Industry

As Charles Dickens wrote in A Tale of Two Cities, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Despite not being in the medical billing industry, his quote rings true in our industry today. I know of billing companies that are growing by 20-plus percent per year, and I also know of billing...

CMS Finalizes Policies that will Reduce Provider Burden

Press Release Date : 2017/11/02 Contact : Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule for the 2018 Physician Fee Schedule and final rule with comment period for the Quality Payment Program (QPP). While part of CMS’s broader strategy to relieve regulatory burdens for providers, these rules also reflect the...

EHR Interoperability is Coming Soon per Federal Law

Electronic health records (EHRs) are supposed to allow for the sharing of health information. If a patient, for example, is found to have an allergy to penicillin at the family doctor’s office, then emergency room and other medical providers should be able to see the allergy in their EHR systems. Unfortunately, EHR systems do...


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